English Degree

澳门皇冠赌场平台获得英语文学学士学位,发现你的写作声音,钻研英国文学的丰富历史. 我们的英语学位为您在教育领域的职业生涯做好准备, library science, law, and communications, as well as top graduate programs.

With courses in the literature of America, England, and other countries, you’ll learn about the diverse movements, styles, and authors who have helped to shape the literary world. You’ll build strong problem-solving, communication, research, 以及批判性思维技能——几乎在每个行业都能增加你的市场竞争力. 你还将受益于一个紧密联系的教师社区, alumni, 以及其他和你一样热爱阅读的英语专业学生, writing, and learning.

Develop Your Creative Voice at HSU

Don’t just read great literature. Create it. 学习写作的基本原理,并向高技能和出版的教师提供反馈,辅修创意写作.

In addition to practicing writing fiction and poetry, you’ll also learn how to write for social media, 制作简洁的信息,吸引和说服在线和移动读者. With a focus on learning how to give and receive feedback, as well as how to write for different audiences, 我们多才多艺的创意写作辅修学位是任何学位的伟大补充.

Program Contact


Dr. Traci Thompson

Department Head of English; Professor of English

Request Information


Why Major in English at Hardin-Simmons?


Building Community

HSU的英语学位课程提供的不仅仅是特殊的教育. It’s also about community. When you major in English at HSU, 你周围的人都致力于追求知识和创造力. 感谢我们的劳伦斯·克莱顿诗人和作家演讲系列, 你也会有很多机会和国家认可的人交谈和学习, award-winning writers every year. 久负盛名的嘉宾包括普利策奖得主诗人杰斯(Tyehimba Jess).

Hardin Simmons Tutoring

Hands-On Experience Tutoring

作为我们的家庭教师,提高你的语言技能并获得教学经验 Writing Center. 没有什么比帮助其他学生学习如何交流他们的想法和信仰更有感觉的了. Best of all, 你将开始建立一个强大的简历与经验编辑, proofreading, and leading.

HSU student sitting outside in foreign country

Experienced and Caring Faculty

Thanks to our small class sizes, 您将获得来自我们世界一流的教师导师的个人关注和支持. Our faculty have years of experience researching, publishing, teaching, 并在信仰的启发下展现出对教育的承诺. 即使毕业后,我们的老师也会和你保持联系, 帮助你找到研究生项目或对英语专业有回报的工作.

Hayley Smiley, Regional Admissions Ambassador

What Can You Do With an English Degree?

There are few degrees as versatile as a B.A. in English. 写作能力和批判性思考能力在任何专业行业都是雇主的高要求. 在HSU主修英语的学生可以进入著名的研究生课程继续他们的英语教育. 他们在教堂、科技公司、报纸和学校找到了工作. 我们为进入教师行业的学生获得TExES认证考试的100%通过率感到非常自豪.

除了追求你对文学和写作的热情所带来的满足感, 你还会受益于许多英语专业学生的工作保障. 根据美国劳工统计局(BLS)的数据,未来十年,作家和作家的就业预计将增长约9%, adding more than 15,000 new jobs each year. 技术作家可以期待更好的就业增长,预计就业增长12%.

Jobs for English Majors

  • Copywriter
  • Journalist
  • Editor
  • Educator
  • Social media coordinator
  • Paralegal
  • Public relations coordinator
  • Technical writer
  • Grant writer

Salary for Graduates

Because the jobs for English majors vary so widely, your salary potential depends greatly on your career path.

For example, if you’re passionate about teaching, high school teachers typically make between $40,866 to $69,423. 大学英语教授的收入从76,882美元到153,052美元不等.

If you want to pursue a career in professional writing, 你可以期待挣到51美元左右的薪水, 858 and $65,795.

Program Details

As you earn your B.A. in English at HSU, 你至少要修12个学分的外语, which include exciting chances for study abroad. Improve your proficiency in grammar, writing, 在萨拉曼卡大学这样的地方演讲, in Salamanca, Spain. 世界各地的其他留学机会包括:

  • London, England
  • Salzburg College in Salzburg, Austria
  • Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia
  • 澳大利亚天主教大学(ACU)六个校区之一.
  • Hong Kong Baptist University

Learn more about study abroad opportunities.

We believe that earning your B.A. in English shouldn’t be hindered by college expenses. At HSU, 我们很幸运地得到了许多慈善捐助者和校友的祝福,他们使英语专业的学生能够负担得起世界一流教育的费用. In addition to scholarships exclusive to English majors, 你也可能有资格获得全校范围的经济援助. 了解更多关于澳门皇冠赌场平台奖学金的信息.

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